
Studying Scripture
"Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning:
Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them"
(Book of Common Prayer, p. 236)
 Here are a few resources for studying The Bible:
  • YouVersion has a web and mobile app for Bible reference and study.
  • gives you devotional every day using their unique format:  Pause (devotional intro), Listen (scripture),  Think (devotional insights), Pray (specific prayer for the day), and Go (suggested action).

Studying the Episcopal Tradition
The Book of Common Prayer is an essential resource for the Episcopal Servant Community

Studying Our Own Gifts and Talents

Studying our Communities
Once we've studied scripture to better understand God's Plan for our lives and we've identified our own gifts and talents, it's time to prayerfully consider how and where we can use them.  At different times in our lives, we may be called to serve our families, communities or others in the world.

Visit the Service tab for information about matching your Gifts and Talents to the needs of one or more your communities.